Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Jeremiah Stays Home Experiment

January 11, 2017

Oh man, what an intense day it has been.  Jeremiah has been asking to do "school with mom" for a few weeks now.  I finally gave in and let him join us for homeschool today.  It changed the way the whole day went having him home with us.

My emotions ran the whole gambit from delighted to have him home and enjoying how excited he was or certain things, clear to not being sure I would survive the "Are we done yet?" questions because he was hoping staying home meant video games and it didn't.

We got to singing time, calendar time, handwriting, phonics, scriptures, math, history, and poetry.  What a list.  Plus he has been getting up too early in the am for the last few weeks, so we are letting him stay up a whole hour later than normal.  I sure hope that a later bedtime will stop the 4:00 am wake up calls.  I am so looking forward to everyone going to sleep tonight. Especially me.

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