Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Homeschool Funk Solutions

December 30, 2015

So I decided part of our homeschool funk since the move was that we were never getting out of the house to do anything hands on and fun. Well that is all about to change. I am stepping out of my comfort zone once again and planning field trips and outings for the rest of the school year.  Since I am brand new to the area and don't know where to begin when it comes to finding places to go for field trips I bought a book to help me.  And for those living in the Utah area is has been the best book for finding kid friendly places to go and things to do that I would not have come up with or thought of on my own.

It is broken up into sections like Historic sites, gardens and outdoors, playgrounds and parks, hikes and nature walks etc.  Purchased on a whim off a book store shelf because I needed guidance to get us out of the house this has been a wonderful little find and we now have field trips to get us out and exploring the area we live in from now until the end of the school year planned and on the calendar.  And let's be honest as a homeschooling mom if it isn't on the schedule it most likely gets forgotten and missed out on.  It is amazing how a little fun planned into things can make everything else just a little more energizing and fun. I am now actually looking forward to starting school again with the kids when our winter break is over.

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