“Should I homeschool my children?”
I think this is a question that is gaining more traction with parents over the past several years. Personally it is a question that I have considered briefly several different times in the past. Each time I faced the same feelings and questions that most parents do when considering this option:
- I don’t have a degree in education. Am I qualified to teach my kids?
- Will I do more harm then good by educating them at home?
- How can I possibly re-create public school at home?
- What about socialization and letting them have friends?
- Will they be able to get into college without being an official High School Graduate?
This same year her sister has been struggling with the fourth grade. She clashed with her teacher and with the restrictions and lack of creativity in the curriculum. I really hadn’t been paying much attention to “Common Core” until it hit our schools and started affecting my children. As I started to research what it was and what it involved and asked my children how they were being taught different subjects in school I learned something that really opened my eyes to our current education system. Not only were the teachers struggling with teaching common core either from not enjoying what they were required to present or because it was difficult to present, but it also made it impossible for the teachers (that we love because they work outside the box and really teach our kids well) to teach our kids, some of the best teachers have even given up teaching for a different profession altogether. For example: so many restrictions were placed on my girls science fair projects this spring that it was no longer a fun science fair project but drudgery that everyone in my house groaned about and didn’t look forward to.
My son’s experience with first grade this year has been a rollercoaster, and while I couldn’t ask for a better teacher, because she is an amazing woman who not only manages to keep my son who is quite ahead challenged each day and engaged in school, but she also manages to do that with the kids who are struggling. In a perfect world we would all have teachers that could reach our kids and teach them as well as she does and homeschool wouldn’t even need to be considered. If you want to read more about his challenges read my previous post about drugs in school.
Finally I looked at the school’s calendar and schedule for the rest of the year. I was surprised to find out that from January to May the only thing the schools are teaching our kids is how to take tests. No new material is being taught. They spent a couple of weeks doing drills and practice problems to get the kids ready for the upcoming test and then the following week they test. Then this cycle is repeated until the end of April. By the time they reach May both the children and teachers are burned out mentally and don’t do much until the end of school.
After much prayer, debate with my husband and pondering I came to the conclusion that I’ve had enough and so have my kids. I talked with each of my girls individually and had them pray about the issues as well. Together we felt it was time. Our family was going to stand up and say “Enough.” We were going to take back the control of our learning and education and learn how to love learning again. With the decision made my family’s journey into the realm of homeschool has begun. Where we go from here I have faith in the Lord to guide me as I begin crafting a new talent. The talent of teaching my children and crafting a curriculum to fit their needs and interests.
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