So I have found Kyrilene carting around a 'Birds of Utah Field Guide' book many times over the last several weeks and today at quiet time she says to me
"Mom want to see the pretty bird in my book?"
Does anyone know how hard it way not to brush that aside with a that's nice dear now get in bed? SO HARD. As I tucked her into bed for nap time with her book I asked her to show it to me again and I asked her to tell me about the colors.
"This one is my favorite, it's going to be my pet." she says.
As I looked at the picture of a black-billed magpie I couldn't help but think really of all the colorful birds in this book this is the one? So I told her its name and studied the parts of the bird with her for a few minutes. And I think it truly took a child to remind me that there is beauty in all of God's creations, even and especially in the common magpie. She has now named this picture Ana (from Frozen) and we are going to watch for them on our next trip to the park, I hope they haven't all migrated already. But if so she may find another bird to appreciate that day.
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